1. By-law______has the following purpose and effect: To amend the zoning of Lots 9 and 10, and Part of Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, Registered Plan 931, Known Municipally as 1680 Tecumseh Road West; 1378 Campbell Street, 1366 Campbell Avenue and 0 Campbell Avenue from Commercial District (CD) 2.1 and Residential District (RD) 2.2 to Residential (RD) 3.1 to facilitate the construction of a Multiple Dwelling with site specific regulations as follows:

  1. Lot Frontage – Minimum - as existing

  2. Front Yard Depth – 0m

  3. Interior Side Yard width – Minimum – 3.6m

  4. Exterior Side Yard width– 0m

  5. Required Parking – 1 space /unit

2. Key map showing the location of the lands to which By-law______applies.