Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Tuesday, October 13, 2020


11.1. Economic Revitalization Community Improvement Plan (CIP) application submitted by Kadri Family Holdings Ltd. for 1567 Ouellette Avenue (Ward 3)

Eddie Kadri, Property Owner

Eddie Kadri, Property Owner, appears via video conference before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report "Economic Revitalization Community Improvement Plan (CIP) application submitted by Kadri Family Holdings Ltd. for 1567 Ouellette Avenue (Ward 3)" and is available for questions.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Decision Number: DHSC 208

  1. THAT the request made by Kadri Family Holdings Ltd. to participate in the Small Business Investment Grant Program BE APPROVED for the portion of the municipal tax increment resulting from the proposed development of a business incubator located at 1567 Ouellette Avenue for up to 10 years or until 100% of the eligible costs are repaid pursuant to the City of Windsor Economic Revitalization Community Improvement Plan; and,

  2. THAT the grant payments:

    1. BE CALCULATED based on the percentage of gross floor area within the building that is allocated to the business incubator use (i.e. estimated to be 50% based on the CIP application); or,

    2. BE CANCELLED and approval to participate in the Small Business Investment Grant Program BE RESCINDED if the percentage of gross floor area within the building that is allocated to the business incubator use falls below 25%; and,

  3. THAT Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare an agreement between the City and Kadri Family Holdings Ltd. and/or persons or companies that have legally been assigned the right to receive grant payments to implement the Small Business Investment Grant Program in accordance with all applicable policies, requirements, and provisions contained within the Economic Revitalization Community Improvement Plan to the satisfaction of the City Planner for content, the City Solicitor as to legal form, and the CFO/City Treasurer as to financial implications; and,

  4. THAT the CAO and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign the Small Business Investment Grant Agreement; and,

  5. THAT the approval to participate in the Small Business Investment Grant Program EXPIRE if