Appendix ‘ F ’– Report S 204/2019

Council Report: S 204/2019

Subject: To Close and Convey the Westerly Portion of North Terminal Rd, Northerly of Essex Terminal Railway. SAS/5711 Applicant: B & S Dortmans – Ward 3


Date to Council: December 9, 2019
Author: Christopher Aspila MCIP, RPP
Planner III - Policy & Special Studies
Phone: 519-255-6543 x6446
Planning & Building Services
Report Date: October 24, 2019
Clerk’s File #: SAA2019

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


X. That the requested closure of the 37.04 metre portion of North Terminal Road east of Charl Avenue, as shown on Drawing No. CC-1751 attached as Appendix “A”, BE DENIED for the following reasons:

  1. The right-of-way does not meet the criteria for closure; it is deemed indispensable and not suitable for closure.

  2. The right-of-way contains sewers and must remain accessible for servicing.

  3. The right-of-way contains access to existing utility poles, guying, anchors, and 347/600V secondary distribution lines and must remain accessible for servicing.

Executive Summary:



Brentan and Sandra Dortmans, owners of 2336 Charl Avenue, submitted application to close the abutting portion of North Terminal Road, on the east side of Charl Avenue, as shown on Drawing No. CC-1751 attached as Appendix “A.