Refer to Appendix A for each property description.


Recommendation II is related to the City’s ongoing review and inventorying of Municipal Heritage Assets, which revealed some gaps in the recognition of Walkerville streetscape features. Although some visual survey have been conducted recently for part of the older portions of Walkerville, a complete and comprehensive survey of all Walkerville streetscape features is only anticipated to be conducted in the future Walkerville Heritage Conservation District Area Study. As there are ongoing demands for operational and maintenance of public roads, grouping of the same heritage streetscape feature types and clarifying of the locations will provide ability for a more comprehensive and manageable city protection over the historic streetscape features in Walkerville. More flexibility would be available for new identifications to be made, and work with City Engineering staff to create solutions for necessary repairs or replacement to maintain performance standard of the roads, while conserving these heritage features.

Through identification exercises conducted to-date, clarifications would include 5 locations for the Walkerville streetscape Stone Curbs, and 14 locations for the sidewalk slabs. In the future, additional locations will be specified on the Heritage Register as more locations become identified.