IV. THAT The City Planner BE REQUESTED to supply the appropriate legal description, in accordance with Drawing Number. CC-1774, attached as Appendix ‘A’;

V. THAT The City Solicitor BE REQUESTED to prepare the necessary by-law(s);

VI. THAT The Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign all necessary documents approved as to form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor; and,

VII. THAT the matter BE COMPLETED electronically pursuant to By-law Number 366-2003.

Executive Summary:



Adeolu Ireyomi, on behalf of Refuge Property, owner of the property known as 1378 Campbell Ave, and Redeemed Christian Church of God, owner of 1636 Tecumseh Rd W, applied to close the 3.66 metre wide north/south alley east of Campbell Ave, abutting the west side of 1636 Tecumseh Rd W, located between Tecumseh Rd W and Leduc Street as shown on Drawing No. CC-1774, attached as Appendix ‘A’.

The surface of the alley is comprised of grass. There are no sewers or manholes located in the proposed alley closure. There are hydro poles, guy wires and overhead utility lines located in the alley for which easements will be required.

The applicant is requesting the closure to consolidate land on properties abutting the alley.

It is noted that a separate application has been filed by the property owners for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to allow for construction of a 28-unit apartment abutting the subject alley.


Planning Department’s analysis of the requested alley closures: