1. The right-of-way does not meet the criteria for closure; it is deemed indispensable and not suitable for closure.

  2. The right-of-way contains sewers and must remain accessible for servicing.

  3. The right-of-way contains access to existing utility poles, guying, anchors, and 347/600V secondary distribution lines and must remain accessible for servicing.

Executive Summary:



Brentan and Sandra Dortmans, owners of 2336 Charl Avenue, submitted application to close the abutting portion of North Terminal Road, on the east side of Charl Avenue, labelled as “Part 1” and “Part 2” as shown on Drawing No. CC-1751B attached as Appendix ‘A’.

On December 9, 2019, report S 204/2019 attached as Appendix ‘F’ was brought forward to the Development & Heritage Standing Committee. The report was deferred to a future meeting to allow for administration to meet with the applicant to discuss options. Administration reviewed the application and then a meeting with the applicant was delayed due to the pandemic state of emergency. On Friday September 11, 2020 a virtual meeting was held with the applicant to discuss options including the recommendations made in this report. The applicant was advised that administration could only offer a partial closure of North Terminal Road due to Engineering’s access requirement for the sewers located in “Part 2” as shown on Drawing No. CC-1751B and that the conveyance cost would be set at market value as per the Street and Alley Closing Policy (CR 130/2006).

The applicant raised concern about illegal or problematic activities occurring as a result of the pedestrian traffic along North Terminal Road and has been referred to the Right of Way Division of Engineering to explore possible options that would allow for a fence at the eastern end of North Terminal Road.