Comments: 1680 Tecumseh Road


Hydro Engineering: No Objection to the new 4 story building.

Water Engineering: Water Engineering has no objections to the rezoning.

Transit Windsor:

Campbell NE Corner and Campbell at Tecumseh NE Corner. These bus stops can’t be moved for this development and must remain located where they are due to driveways being located on the other sides of the intersections where our guidelines state that we don’t impede driveway access with bus stops. Based on the drawings, it doesn’t appear that the existing bus stops will be impeding any proposed driveways as the one bus stop located on Campbell appears to be just south of the proposed driveway access. These bus stops will be maintained with our Council approved transit master plan with a new primary route and a new secondary route. There is also a shelter and bench located on Tecumseh in front of this property at that bus stop that will remain.

Public Works:

Avenue. A portion of the site is currently designated “Residential” and the portion of the site adjacent to Tecumseh Road is designated “Commercial” in the City of Windsor Official Plan. The applicant is requesting an Official Plan Amendment to apply a ‘Residential’ designation to the entire property. The proposed OPA would include provisions to permit a four (4) storey, 28 unit residential apartment and associated parking. A Zoning Bylaw Amendment has been requested to establish a site specific zone that would permit the residential, medium profile residential development by creating a site specific ‘Residential District (RD 3.1)’ zone with a site specific amendment to permit a reduction in interior side yard 6m with a window to 3.6m. The site may be serviced by a 900mm brick pipe combined sewer within Campbell Avenue right-of-way. If possible existing connections should be utilized. Any redundant connections shall be abandoned in accordance with the City of Windsor Engineering Best Practice B.P 1.3.3. The applicant will be required to submit grading plan, site servicing drawings and storm detention calculations restricting storm water runoff to predevelopment levels.

Campbell Avenue is classified as a Class 1 Collector road requiring a 22m ROW width according to Schedule X. The current ROW width is 19.6m. Therefore a land conveyance of 1.2m is required, but is not being requested. Tecumseh Road West is classified as a Class 2 Arterial road requiring a 33m ROW width according to Schedule X. The current ROW width is 26.2. Therefore a land conveyance of 3.4m would is required, but is not being requested. Additionally, Bike Lanes are required on Tecumseh through this section in accordance with the City of Windsor's Bicycle Use Master Plan (BUMP).

The site currently has a closed alley abutting the east side of the property. They alley will need to be purchased and closed before a building permit may be issued.