Source of historic photo: The Border Cities Star, July 5, 1924, s.3.p.2 

This two and half storey craftsman style house features a center gabled porch and side wing. The main building is largely symmetrical, with the two gabled dormers complete with vergeboards, wide overhang and exposed rafter ends, and wood siding and wood trim around the double six over one windows. Wide eave overhang and brackets are featured in the building. The front porch has similar decorative roof details and is supported by two large brick square pillars. The landing of the porch is surrounded by brick walls topped by stone cap with curved trim. The house features original wood sash windows with multiple lites, with emphasis on the vertical elements through the alignment of the muntins. A side wing to the south end of the house features triple sets of the same windows, located above a stone band wrapped around the addition. The north end of the house has a decorative half timbering and stucco boxed window. The property was originally owned by physician Dr. Royden E Holmes and his wife but the Kamen family has been long-time owner of the property since 1945.