Redeemer Church. The existing church is established with a significant separation distance from the proposed development. There will be no negative impact on the adjacent land use with the interior side yard being requested

Exterior Side Yard – minimum – 0m and Front Yard - minimum – 0m - The proposed development is intended to be an urban , walkable Multiple Dwelling structure, as such, the applicant wishes to place the build towards the Tecumseh Road and Campbell Avenue corner of the lot to take advantage of the site’s location on the intersection of an arterial and collector road. Locating the structure toward the abutting streets supports the goal of creating walkable developments. As well, the proposed location of the structure will move vehicular access points to the rear of the site, away from the Campbell Avenue/Tecumseh Road intersection.

Lot Frontage – Minimum – as existing: This provision would permit the development to take place on the available site. The existing lot width is sufficient and appropriate for development proposed.

Parking - Parking relief has been requested to permit 1 space per unit. This reduction can serve to support municipal transit, bike and walking initiatives. This development is located to take advantage of transit facilities and nearby commercial uses.

Interim Control By-law 103-2020:

The parcel is subject to Residential Interim Control By-law 103-2020 (RICBL) which prohibits a Group Home, Lodging House, a Shelter, and a dwelling with five or more dwelling units throughout the City of Windsor to allow a land use study to be conducted.

Council Resolution 364/2020 directs that the land use study consider, among other things, residential density. Given the site is located at the intersection of arterial and collector roads with limited exposure to low density residential uses, the Planning Department does not anticipate any conflict between the proposed development and the land use study.

Recommendation 1 of this report would provide an exemption to By-law 103-2020. If approved the exemption will allow the proposed to proceed by amending BL 103-2020 to include this site. Section 2(1) of B/L 103-2020 exempts a parcel from the provisions of RICBL where an amending by-law to Zoning By-law 8600 to permit a dwelling with five or more dwelling units comes into force on or after January 1, 2017.

Alley Closing:

Concurrent to the applications subject of this report, the applicants have also applied to close the abutting alley under Alley Closing Application (SAA 6067). The abutting alley runs north/south and is located between the subject lands and the Church property to the east. If the application for Alley Closure is approved, the applicant will include the lands in their development. If the application for alley closure is denied, the applicant will have to redesign the development to suit the site.

Risk Analysis: