519-255-6543 x6179, planningdept@citywindsor.ca Windsor Manager of Cultural Affairs:

Windsor Manager of Cultural Affairs:

Cathy Masterson, 519-253-2300x2724, cmasterson@citywindsor.ca

Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries

Archaeology Programs Unit, 1-416-212-8886, Archaeology@ontario.ca

Windsor Police: 911

Ontario Ministry of Government & Consumer Services

Registrar of Burial Sites, War Graves, Abandoned Cemeteries and Cemetery Closures, 1-416-212-7499, nancy.watkins@ontario.ca

Street and Alley:

The applicant has proposed to build the 28 unit residential apartment building on a City-owned north/south alley on the east side of Campbell Ave, north of Tecumseh Rd W. The Planning Rationale Report provided by the applicant does not mention the City-owned north/south alley.

A separate application to close the north/south alley was received by the Planning Division on February 27, 2020 from the owner of 1366 Campbell St and 1680 Tecumseh Rd W and is currently being reviewed. No mention of the subject OPA, ZBA and proposed development is made in the Application to Close the Alley. The alley closure is currently being reviewed.

I suggest that these files should be coordinated before proceeding as the proposed alley closure may have impact on the proposed OPA and ZBA.

Windsor Fire Service:

No Objections.