4.1 Zoning By-Law Amendment (ZBA)

A site specific Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) is required in order to permit the proposed residential development.

The Site is currently zoned “Residential District 1.3 (RD1.3)” on Map 3 of the City of Windsor Zoning By-Law.

A site specific zoning exception is required for the Site as the proposed multiple dwelling unit is not permitted, in the RD1.3 zone.

It is proposed to change the zoning of the Site from the existing “Residential District 1.3(RD1.3)” zoning to a site specific “Residential District 2.2 (RD2.2 –(20)(1) (XXX)” to provide relief for the reduced lot size, width, interior sideyard and front yard depth.

Further analysis is provided in Section 5.1.3 of this PRR.

4.2 Other

Prior to renovation, a building permit will be required.