City of Windsor – Transport Terminal Land Use Study – 2020 November 16

  1. Waste processing, disposal and storage – including recycling centers, packing and bailing sites, transfer stations, and disposal facilities;

3.63b INDUSTRIAL USE, SPECIAL LIGHT, shall mean a non-effluent producing industrial use as set out in clause (o) of subsection 14.1.1 which is carried out within enclosed buildings, save and except for the following prohibited uses:

  1. slaughtering, the processing of poultry or fish, fat rendering or vegetable oil mill, feeding pen, stockyard, feed manufacture, flour mill, bone distillation;

  2. leather tannery;

  3. sawmills, veneer and plywood mills, pulp and paper mills, wood distillation;

  4. iron and steel mill, blast furnace, smelting and refining of metals and ores, boiler and plate works, manufacture of railroad rolling stock;

  5. mineral extraction, pits and quarries, the manufacture of cement, lime, gypsum products, concrete or concrete products, clay and clay products, plaster of Paris, brick refractory, mineral wool manufacturing, concrete or asphalt batching plant, asbestos products manufacturing abrasives manufacturers;

  6. the manufacturing of explosives and ammunition, acid, alkalies, asphalt, fertilizer, plastics, resins, soap and cleaning, compounds, petroleum refineries, coke oven, coal and tar distillation;

  7. a bulk fuel depot;

  8. an automobile repair garage, an automobile body repair shop;

  9. waste processing, disposal and storage – including recycling centers, packing and bailing sites, transfer stations, and liquid and hazardous waste processing and disposal facilities;

  10. a press or stamping plant.

3.64 INDUSTRIAL USE, NON-EFFLUENT PRODUCING, shall mean an industrial use which:

  1. does not include or require the direct consumption of water, except by auxiliary facilities such as washrooms;

  2. does not discharge any waste water, except for auxiliary facilities such as washrooms. The indirect cooling of and/or the pressure testing of equipment with water is permitted so long as the water is re-circulated and little or no waste water is discharged; and

  3. is characterized by minimal generation of noise and air pollution.

3.68 LANDSCAPING, shall mean any combination of trees, shrubs, flowers, grass or other horticultural elements, together with decorative stonework, paving, screening or other architectural elements, all of which is designed to enhance the visual amenity of a property.

3.70 LOADING SPACE, shall mean a space or bay located on a lot which is used or intended to be used for the temporary parking of any commercial, industrial or institutional vehicle while loading or unloading persons, animals, goods, merchandise or materials used in connection with the main use of the lot or any building thereon, and which has unobstructed access to a street or lane.

3.72 LOT, shall mean a parcel or tract of land which,

  1. is the whole of a lot on a registered plan of subdivision, so long as such registered plan is not deemed, pursuant to Section 49 of The Planning Act, S.O. 1983, not to be a registered plan of subdivision, or
  2. is all of the land held or owned under distinct and separate ownership from the ownership of the fee or equity of redemption in abutting land.