Development & Heritage Standing Committee
13 October, 2020

“398. Northeast Corner of Hawthorne Drive & Enterprise Way

For the lands comprising Part of Block A, Registered Plan 1644, designated as Part 2 on Reference Plan 12R26956, the maximum building height provision in section 20(1)97(iv) of By-law 8600, shall not apply to a multiple dwelling on the subject land. [ZDM 15; ZNG/6072]”

III. THAT the Site Plan Approval Officer BE DIRECTED to incorporate the following in the site plan approval and the site plan agreement:

  1. Noise warning clause(s) and other noise abatement measures identified in the Noise Study dated December 19, 2019 and Revised September 21, 2020, prepared by Akoustic Engineering Limited; and,

  2. The requirements and recommendations of municipal departments and agencies as noted in this report and detailed in Appendix D attached; and,

  3. That the maximum number of parking spaces shall not exceed the required minimum number of parking spaces.


Report Number: S 134/2020

Clerk’s File: ZB/13837

7.2 Z-014/20 [ZNG/6122] – Baker Investments Ltd 8380-8474 Wyandotte St E – Rezoning

Adam Szymczak (author), Planner III – Zoning

Mr. Szymczak provides a brief PowerPoint presentation of the report.

Mr. Jason Baker of Baker Investments (applicant) and Mr.. Stephen Berrill of ADA Architects Inc (agent) are available for questions.

Member Gyemi asks of Administration if further traffic control measures would be needed? Jeff Hagan, Transportation Planning Senior Engineer, advises this application is not large enough to require a Traffic Impact Study. That being said, upon reviewing the application, Traffic does not see a need for further control in the area.

The Chair also inquires about additional storm water issues and through circulation to all departments wants to confirm that there were no other concerns. Mr. Szymczak confirms no concerns were raised.

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