OP Policy #




6.1.10 Pedestrian oriented clusters of residential, commercial, employment and institutional uses. – General Policies

For the purpose of this Plan, Development Profile refers to the height of a building or structure. Accordingly, the following Development Profiles apply to all land use designations on Schedule D: Land Use unless specifically provided elsewhere in this Plan:

  1. Low Profile developments are buildings or structures generally no greater than three (3) storeys in height;

  2. Medium Profile developments are buildings or structures generally no greater than six (6) storeys in height; and

  3. High Profile developments are buildings or structures generally, no greater than fourteen (14) storeys in height.

The current considered building.

a structure is low-profile

At the time of submission, the proponent shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Municipality that a proposed residential development within an area having a Neighbourhood development pattern is:

(a) feasible having regard to the other provisions of this Plan, provincial legislation, policies and appropriate

This PRR has addressed these requirements.