Development & Heritage Standing Committee
13 October, 2020

7.3 Interim Control By-law Exemption 2020-11 Airport Business Park Inc – 4325-4445 County Road 42

Adam Szymczak (author), Planner III – Zoning

Mr. Szymczak provides a PowerPoint presentation of the report.

Mr. Mark McCloskey – McCloskey Engineering speaks on the report advising support of the request for 1.8m berm along Baseline Road and planting additional trees on top of the berm to provide additional screening. Mr. McCloskey notes they have read the concerns from area residents regarding lighting and that they will change out lighting to meet compliance with City by-law. The area will be paved and the owner will be responsible for dust control in unpaved areas. The other concern neighbours had was traffic along Concession 8. Mr. McCloskey advises no trucks will utilize Concession 8.

Roger DenBoer (resident – neighbour directly abutting property). His major concerns are dust, noise and lighting. Mr. DenBoer mentions that the applicant recently sold the property and asks if the City is aware of that fact. Mr. DenBoer goes on to describe the problems/issues such as being unable to stay outdoors on nice days, dirt on vehicles, dust in their pools, beeping noise from trucks as they reverse and brake sounds going on in the late evening/early morning hours. Residents are not able to have their windows open at night.

Tiziano Zaghi, Planning Consultant representing Abdul Habib – Advises they are opposed to the request for exemption to the Interim Control By-law. Mr. Zaghi refers to the aerial photo and notes his client’s property of almost 93 hectares to the south. Mr. Habib’s property is designated for future residential development, primarily low density with some medium density with approximately 1100 residential units, slated to be a significant development for the East Pelton community. Phase I, which Mr. Habib is currently preparing applications for the City, will contain approximately 365 residential units. The concern is the potential impact to the development if the proposed transport terminal is to proceed. Currently, County Road 42 has heavy traffic throughout the day, which turns onto Walker Road and eventually onto Highway 401. The concern is the potential for traffic to reroute through the residential area along 7th & 8th Concessions in order to avoid congestion. At this time, Mr. Zaghi notes he has not seen a Traffic Analysis which would review the potential impact to the residential development and possible mitigation. On behalf of his client, Mr. Zaghi asks the Committee to refuse the request of the applicant for exemption from interim control. .

Mr. Abdul Habib (developer/land owner) reiterates that the truck terminal at County Road 42 (CR42) and 8th Concession will have an adverse affect on the residential community. Mr. Habib notes his investment in the proposed residential development that will provide more than 1000 single and multi-family homes. Mr. Habib advises he is waiting for one more study to be completed so that he can move forward with his Plan of Subdivision. Mr. Habib intends to have a road between 7th & 8th Concession. With the volume of traffic already on CR42, it is inevitable