APPENDIX G - Consultations

dated October 5, 2020, recommended a Stabilization Plan. Heritage Architect, Don Loucks , OAA, RAIC, CAHP, of Metropolitan Design Ltd. also provided accompanying supporting letter titled “Heritage Summary and Next Steps”, also dated October 5, 2020. It is understood that the priority project for the proponents is the building at 1200 University Avenue West and that a separate Site Plan Control Application is being sought for that building first, in order to quicken the process of being issued permits. To achieve timely protection of the barrel roof structure, City staff will be requesting for the immediate stabilization of the barrel roof structure as a condition of the first SPC approval (likely to be for 1200 University Ave W) prior to permit issuance.

As well, the proposed new residential building should be visually compatible with the character defining exterior features and elements that have been identified in section 3.1 of the Heritage Impact Assessment. Both the East Barn and the West Barn have physically elements listed in Section 3.1 that are similar and could help inform the exterior design of the new building.

The HIA states: "The design of the scale, massing and materiality of the new building is an opportunity to create visual and physical references and even linkages to the existing heritage Streetcar Barns. These references can be expressed in terms of form, material, and site location." (pg. 17)

The HIA also references standard 11 of the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada, which states: "Conserve the heritage value and character-defining elements when creating any new additions to an historic place or any related new construction. Make the new work physically and visually compatible with, subordinate to and distinguishable from the historic place."

The Owner is to submit exterior designs for the new residential building incorporating the findings of the Heritage Impact Assessment, City Administration recommendations, and follow the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada..

There are also potential construction vibration concerns and impacts from the proposed new development to surrounding heritage structures that would have to be addressed. This would be resolved through provision of a Construction Vibration Control Assessment as a condition of the Site Plan process prior to issuance of building permits for the site.

OP states Council will utilize other programmes administered by the Municipality to further its heritage objectives. Council approved funding for this property under the Brownfield Redevelopment Program, where retrofit of the buildings (Heritage Conservation work) would be an eligible cost. Other recommendations of the HIA and conservation strategies would likewise continue to be reviewed as part of the Site Plan Control Application(s).

Thus, the recommendations are as follows: