4.0 Conclusions

Based on an extensive review of the technical planning and policy related issues, the proposed residential development is appropriate for the site and consistent with good planning principles. We recommend that the Zoning By-Law Amendment application, as submited, be approved for the following reasons:

  1. The proposed redevelopment is “consistent” with the Provincial Policy Statement for the reasons identified in Section 3.1 of this report.

  2. The proposed residential development is “consistent” with the intent of the Mixed Use policies of the Official Plan as identified in Section 3.2 of this report.

  3. The proposed Mixed Use redevelopment is permitted under the Commercial District 2.2 (CD2.2) zone and is consistent with the intent of Zoning By-Law 8600. In particular, it has been shown that:

    • The Zoning Regulations for Commercial District 2.2 (CD2.2) include the proposed use and can further be adapted to meet the additional site specific requirements of the development. The proposed site specific adjustments are minor in nature, while still meeting the intent of the by-law. This is consistent with other developments in the City of Windsor and the immediate area;

    • The requested increase in building height from 14m to 18m is minor in nature and the proposed residential building will still be compatible with the surrounding area in terms of height, mass, scale, and orientation;

    • The requested relief from the minimum amenity area from 12m² to 7.5m² is supported by the access to a number of public parkland and open spaces in the vicinity;

    • The requested relief from provision 5.2.20 (.1) of the Windsor Zoning By-law to permit dwelling units with a gross floor area of 31m² is minor in nature, as the units are intended to promote increased density and provide an additional economical housing option for students;

    • The requested relief from provision 15.2.5 (15) of the Windsor Zoning By-law to permit a multi-unit building with main floor residential units is minor in nature due to the two existing commercial buildings already on the subject property, satisfying the requirement for a mix of uses;

    • The requested relief from provision 24.20.5 (.1) of the City of Windsor Zoning By-law 8600, to permit a minimum of 110 parking spaces on the subject site is addressed in the Parking Memo provided under separate cover;

    • The site is physically suitable and strategically located to support the proposed use;

    • Full municipal services and emergency services are available;

    • Site access is available without compromising the integrity of the local road network;

    • The site can be designed to provide the appropriate parking requirements for the proposed use and have been located within the site; and

    • The proposed development is compatible with the surrounding land uses (land use, scale, massing, landscaping, etc.) and is consistent with the mix of land uses evident in the in the surrounding neighbourhood.