APPENDIX E – City of Windsor Official Plan Excerpts


At the time of submission, the proponent shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Municipality that a proposed Mixed Use development is:

  1. feasible having regard to the other provisions of this Plan, provincial legislation, policies and appropriate guidelines and support studies for uses:

    1. within or adjacent to any area identified on Schedule C: Development Constraint Areas and described in the Environment chapter of this Plan;

    2. within a site of potential or known contamination;

    3. where traffic generation and distribution is a provincial or municipal concern; and

    4. adjacent to sensitive land uses and/or heritage resources.

  2. in keeping with the goals, objectives and policies of any secondary plan or guideline plan affecting the surrounding area;

  3. capable of being provided with full municipal physical services and emergency services;

  4. provided with adequate off street parking;

  5. pedestrian oriented;

  6. compatible with the surrounding area in terms of scale, massing, height, siting, orientation, setbacks, parking and landscaped areas; and

  7. acceptable in terms of the proposal’s market impacts on other commercial areas (see Procedures chapter).


The following guidelines shall be considered when evaluating the proposed design of a Mixed Use development:

  1. the ability to achieve the associated policies as outlined in the Urban Design chapter of this Plan;

  2. the mass, scale, orientation, form, and siting of the development achieves a compact urban form and a pedestrian friendly environment;

  3. at least one building wall should be located on an exterior lot line and oriented to the street to afford direct sidewalk pedestrian access from the public right-of-way;

  4. permanent loading, service and parking areas should be located so as not to significantly interrupt the pedestrian circulation or traffic flow on the public right-of-way or within a Mixed Use area;

  5. mid-block vehicular access to properties is generally discouraged and is encouraged via a rear yard service road or alley;

  6. parking areas shall be encouraged at the rear of buildings;

  7. safe and convenient pedestrian access between buildings and public transportation stops, parking areas and other buildings and facilities should be provided;