City of Windsor – Transport Terminal Land Use Study – 2020 November 16



.1 An outdoor storage yard is prohibited in any development reserve district , residential district, or institutional district , or on any other lot on which a dwelling or dwelling unit , not including a caretaker's residence , is located.

.2 Unless specifically prohibited, an outdoor storage yard is permitted as an accessory use in a green district , commercial district, or manufacturing district .

.3 For an outdoor storage yard devoted exclusively to a temporary outdoor vendor’s site having an area of 10.0 m 2 or less, no separation is required from an exterior lot line .

.4 For an outdoor storage yard devoted exclusively to a temporary outdoor vendor’s site having an area of more than 10.0 square metres or an outdoor market , the outdoor storage yard shall be a minimum of 3.0 m from an exterior lot line .

.5 For any other outdoor storage yard , the outdoor storage yard shall be a minimum of 3.0 m from an exterior lot line and the area between the outdoor storage yard and the exterior lot line shall be maintained as a landscaped open space yard .

.7 For that part of an outdoor storage yard located less than 100.0 m from a street or a residential district ,a screening fence having a minimum height of 1.80 m shall be provided except for that part of an outdoor storage yard which is used exclusively:

        .1 for the display of operable motor vehicles , or that is accessory to an automobile sales                lot or motor vehicle dealership ; or

        .2 for the display of goods as an accessory use to a retail store or wholesale store ,a                      garden centre , an outdoor market, or a temporary outdoor vendor’s site , where such                outdoor storage yard is permitted by this by-law.

.8 The projection of equipment, materials, or other goods, not including construction equipment, operable vehicles, or trailers, above the height of the screening fence is prohibited except if the outdoor storage yard is located in a Manufacturing Districts 2. (MD2.) zoning district.


For a transport terminal, the following additional provisions shall apply:

.1 A transport storage area shall be:

  1. Setback from an exterior lot line a minimum of 11.30 m, said setback shall consist of a berm with a minimum width of 11.30 m and a minimum height of 1.80 m, and shall be maintained exclusively as a landscaped open space yard;
  2. Setback from an interior lot line a minimum of 0.90 m, and the setback shall be maintained exclusively as a landscaped open space yard;

  3. Graded and drained into a municipal sewer system to prevent the runoff of surface water onto a street, alley, or abutting property; and

  4. Paved with asphalt, concrete, or any combination thereof, for that portion of the transport storage area used to load, manoeuvre, repair, service or unload a motor vehicle, transport truck or transport trailer. The remainder of the transport storage area shall be paved with asphalt or concrete, or covered in gravel or similar aggregate, or any combination thereof; and

  5. Maintained in good condition.