Appendix E


Overall, Transportation Planning supports the subject Zoning By-law amendment.

Juan Paramo, P.Eng. | Transportation Planning Engineer


Sewers - While this site does not appear to have any sewers directly fronting its’ property, a 1000mm x 1400mm brick combined sewer located east of this property along University Avenue West and Wellington Avenue, may service the subject site. There is also a 2400mm reinforced concrete pipe storm sewer located within an easement to the west of this site. An encroachment agreement will be required for any connections to the sewers as they do not directly front this property.

Right-of-Way - The Official Plan classifies University Avenue West as a Class II Arterial road, requiring a right-of-way width of 30.5m. The current right-of-way widths conform to thes e s tandards , therefore, land conveyance is not required. The owner willbe required to obtain a permit for any work within the Right-of-Way. The subject application stipulates provisions for 17 bicycle parking spaces, however, the location of these spaces is not specified. The only available area appears to be loc ated at the rear of this property and access is restricted to the west by a fence and 1201 University Avenue west to the east. Clarification is required.

In summary we have no objection to the proposed Zoning and Official Plan amendments. The Engineering Department recommends the following conditions be included as requirements of the zoning amendment approval:

Encroachment Agreement – The owner agrees to submit application for and execute an agreement with the Corporation for the proposed encroachments into the right-of-way (i.e. private drain connection) to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

Existing Sewers and Connections - The owner further agrees, at its entire expense and to the satisfac tion of the City Engineer:

a) To undertake a video inspection of the mainline sewers that will be used by the subject property and all connections to the mainline sewers that service the subject property.