APPENDIX G - Consultations
9.3.6 Management of Heritage Resources Council will manage heritage resources by:
- (e) Providing support and encouragement to organizations and individuals who undertake the conservation of heritage resources by private means;
9.3.7 Heritage Resources and Planning Initiatives Council will integrate heritage conservation into the development and infrastructure approval process by:
(a) Requiring the preparation of an archaeological assessment when development proposals or infrastructure undertakings affect known archaeological resources or areas of archaeological potential as designated on Schedule ‘C-1’: Development Constraint Areas – Archaeological Potential and in accordance with the Windsor Archaeological Master Plan and its implementation manual; (amended by OPA 55 – 07/24/2006)
(d) Utilizing the planning approval process (subdivisions / condominiums, official plan amendments, zoning amendments, site plan control, consent, minor variance, demolition control) to facilitate the retention of heritage resources, and to ensure any proposed development is compatible with heritage resources;
(e) Having regard to the following factors when assessing applications such as zoning amendments, site plan control applications, demolition control and payment-in-lieu, which may impact heritage resources:
Respecting the massing, profile and character of adjacent buildings;
Approximating the width and established setback pattern of nearby heritage buildings;
Respecting the yards, gardens, trees and landscaped grounds associated with the heritage properties and districts which contribute to their integrity, identity, and setting;
Maintaining, enhancing or creating views and vistas of heritage resources; and
Minimizing the impact of shadowing on adjacent heritage properties, particularly on landscaped open spaces and outdoor amenity areas.
- (f) Utilizing the demolition control provisions of the Planning Act and the Heritage Act to assist in the protection of heritage buildings and structures;
- (h) Ensuring that the development of heritage resources and the development of adjacent properties is complementary to those resources by regulating the use, massing, form, location, setback and other matters of development by means of heritage zones and other zones in the zoning by-law;