Item No. 7.4

Council Report: S 153/2020

Subject: Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendment; 1223-1233 University Ave W OPA 137 (OPA 6170) and Z-024/20 (ZNG/6169), Ward 3


Date to Council: November 16, 2020
Author: Simona Simion, MCIP RPP
Planner II - Research and Policy Support
519-255-6543 x-6397
Planning & Building Services
Report Date: October 27, 2020
Clerk’s File #: ZO/13917 & ZB/13916

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


I. THAT Schedule “A: Planning Districts and Policy Areas” of Volume 1: The Primary Plan of the City of Windsor Official Plan BE AMENDED by applying a Specific Policy Area to West Part Lot 1 ROW; Over South Part Lot 9, Registered Plan 683, known municipally as 1223 – 1233 University Avenue West;

II. THAT Section 1 of Volume 2: Secondary Plans & Special Policy Areas of the City of Windsor Official Plan BE AMENDED by adding a Special Policy Area as follows:

1.48 South Side of University Ave West, West of Wellington Ave

1.48.1 The property described as West Part Lot 1 ROW; Over South Part Lot 9, Registered Plan 683, known municipally as 1223 – 1233 University Aveue West is designated Mixed Use on Schedule A: Planning Districts and Policy Areas in Volume 1: The Primary Plan;

1.48.2   Notwithstanding the “Mixed Use” designation, section Permitted Uses and section (a) Form of Mixed Use Areas of the Official Plan, Volume 1: The Primary Plan, “small scale Low Profile residential development” and “residential uses at grade level” shall be additional permitted uses on the subject property within the existing building.

III. THAT Zoning By-law 8600 BE AMENDED by adding a site specific exception to Section 20(1) for Registered Plan 683 West Part Lot 1 ROW; Over South Part Lot 9 (municipally known as 1223-1233 University Avenue West) as follows: