APPENDIX G - Consultations

Management Standards Manual for the entire proposal. Any redundant sewer connections shall be abandoned as per City of Windsor Engineering Best Practice B.P.1.3.3. This site is zoned commercial district CD 2.2, therefore a sanitary sampling manhole is required for each property if one does not already exist.

The Official Plan classifies University Avenue West as a Class II Arterial Road and Elm Avenue as a Local Road, requiring right-of-way widths of 30.5m and 20.1m consecutively. Both streets conform to these requirements; therefore, land conveyance will not be required. It has been noted that the building extends to the property limits fronting Elm Avenue and University Avenue West; as such, a corner cut-off will not be a requirement of this application. The owner shall remove and restore any redundant curb cuts to City Standards and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. New driveway approaches shall be constructed of concrete as per AS-204, complete with straight flares and no raised curbs within the right-of-way. A Reciprocal Agreement is required between the two properties for access and services.

1100 University Avenue West has an existing exhaust vent which encroaches into the alley right-of-way as well as three posts and wooden garden borders encroaching into the Elm Avenue right-of-way. The proposed corrugated metal awnings also appear to encroach into the University Avenue West right-of-way. If any of these items are to remain, a new encroachment agreement will be required for this site. An alley maintenance contribution will also be required in the amount of $1,000.00 per property for a total of $2,000.00.

Enbridge Gas Inc. - Kelly Buchanan (June 16, 2020)

Thank you for your correspondence with regard to the proposed Site Plan Application. Enbridge Gas Inc, operating as Union Gas, does have service lines running within the area which may or may not be affected by the proposed Site Plan.

Should the proposed site plan impact these services, it may be necessary to terminate the gas service and relocate the line according to the new property boundaries. Any Service relocation required would be at the cost of the property owner.

If there is any work (i.e. underground infrastructure rebuild or grading changes…) at our easement and on/near any of our existing facilities, please contact us as early as possible (1 month in advance at least) so we can exercise engineering assessment of your work. The purpose is to ensure the integrity of our main is maintained and protected.

Confirmation of the location of our natural gas pipeline should be made through Ontario One Call 1-800-400-2255 for locates prior to any activity.