3.4.3 Housing

The PPS speaks to providing for an appropriate range and mix of housing types and densities required to meet projected requirements of current and future residents of the regional market (PPS 1.4.1). The proposed development includes a five (5) storey 123 unit residential building, which will provide additional housing options to University of Windsor and St. Clair College students, as well as to professionals and existing Windsor residents. It is anticipated that approximately 50% of the residents will be students, while the remaining 50% will be professionals and other local residents.

The proposal is a form of residential intensification that meets the social, health and wellbeing requirements of current and future residents, promotes increased densities which efficiently use land, resources, infrastructure and public service facilities and supports the use of active transportation and transit in the area (PPS 1.4.3 (b)(d)). It also conforms to the Residential policies in the OP, particularly with the promotion of a complementary range of housing types and tenure, infill and intensification initiatives, and complementary services and amenities which enhance the quality of residential areas (OP, OP

The proposed 31m² sized dwelling units are intended to promote increased density and help provide residents with a more economical housing option. The proposed development will help enhance the housing stock of Windsor and provide residents with additional housing options.

3.4.4 Transportation System

The PPS encourages development that promotes a dense land use patern which minimizes the length and number of vehicle trips, and encourages the use of transit and active transportation methods (PPS, & 1.8.1 (b)).

The subject site is located on an existing transit route, sidewalk network, and bike lane that will connect the proposed development to the downtown core, the University of Windsor, St. Clair College, and the Detroit River waterfront, in addition to a number of nearby parks and recreational spaces (PPS, 1.5 (a); OP,, OP

The proposed commercial buildings will also encourage nearby residents to use active transportation as there will be an ample number of residents located within 800 metres of the proposed mixed use development (OP, (b)).

3.4.5 Infrastructure

The proposed development promotes the efficient use and optimization of existing municipal sewage and water services, and will ensure that sewage and water services provided comply with all regulatory requirements and protect human health and the natural environment (PPS, 1.6.6 (a) (b); OP The proposed infill development will utilize the existing servicing connections and will not require any additional extensions of municipally owned or operated infrastructure (PPS,; OP,