6.1 Context and Site Suitability Summary

6.1.1 Site Suitability

The Site is ideally suited for further residential development for the following reasons:

6.1.2 Compatibility of Design

The proposed re-development provides efficient ease of access into the existing parking areas from the alley.

The Site is compatible with the surrounding area in terms of scale, massing, existing height and siting.

6.1.3 Good Planning

The proposal represents good planning as it addresses the need for the City to provide residential infilling development.

The additional unit will contribute toward affordability and intensification requirements.

Continued residential use on the Site represents an efficient development pattern that optimizes the use of land in an existing built-up area which has a mix of residential uses in the neighbourhood.

The Site already accommodates a dwelling on municipal services that is not an over development of the site. The additional unit will not put any additional stress on municipal infrastructure or the current Site.