The subject property is presently designated ‘Mixed Use’ on Schedule D:Land Use of the Official Plan and zoned ‘Commercial District 2.2 (CD2.2) in Comprehensive Zoning By-law 8600 for the City of Windsor.

Presently the main floor consists of 3 commercial units proposed to be converted to 3 residential apartment units. The second floor 4 residential apartments will be updated and remain as 4 residential apartment units. The basement is presently used for storage but is proposed for the inclusion of 1 additional residential apartment. The building is proposed with 8 residential apartment units.

The ‘Mixed Use’ designation of the Official Plan permits a ‘Large Scale, Low Profile’ residential building containing 9 or more residential units in the building. The owner proposes to adapt the historically existing structure to maintain the unobtrusive, low profile building by converting the existing commercial main floor interior into residential apartments. The proposed building is considered a Small Scale, Low Profile building with 8 residential units proposed for the building.

FIGURE 2 – AERIAL PLAN: 1223-1233 University Ave West