City of Windsor – Transport Terminal Land Use Study – 2020 November 16

Transport Terminal Use by Zoning District or Zone

“Permitted” means that a Transport Terminal is listed as a permitted use (MD1 zoning districts or M1 zones) or generally permitted as an Industrial Use (MD2 zoning districts).

“Not Permitted” means that Transport Terminal is not listed as a permitted main use or an accessory use.

“Prohibited as a Main Use” means that Transport Terminal is explicitly prohibited as a Main Use. However, this suggests that a Transport Terminal may be permitted as an Accessory Use.

“Permitted as an Accessory Use” means that Transport Terminal is listed as a permitted accessory use to any permitted main use in that zoning district.

In most MD1 zones, a Transport Terminal is not a permitted main use. The MD1.3 zone is typically adjacent to rail corridors or waterways, areas where intermodals facilities either currently exist, or are encouraged to locate per the policies of the PPS and OP. In all but one MD2 zone, Transport Terminal is permitted as a main use under the “Industrial Use” definition. MD2.3 is a zone is primarily geared to aggregate storage. Transport Terminal is permitted as a main use in the two M1 zones in B/L 85-18.

TABLE 3.2 – Transport Terminal Use by Zoning District or Zone
Zone Permitted Not Permitted Prohibited as aMain Use Permitted as an Accessory Use
MD1.1     X
MD1.2     X
MD1.4     X  
MD1.5     X  
MD1.6   X    
MD1.7   X    
MD2.3   X    