Refer to Appendix D - City of Windsor Zoning By-law Policies, and Figure 3.0 – Existing Zoning Designations.

3.4   Planning Analysis and Considerations

Municipalities in Ontario are required under Section 3 of the Planning Act to ensure that planning maters and decisions are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). The PPS includes policies designed to build strong and healthy communities and are intended to direct efficient and resilient development and land use paterns. According to the PPS, healthy, livable and safe communities are sustained by: promoting efficient development and land use paterns, while accommodating a range and mix of housing, including affordable housing, which sustain the financial well-being over the long term, and promote cost effective development paterns to minimize land consumption and servicing costs (PPS, 1.1.1 (a)(b)(f)). This proposed infill development is consistent with these policies by encouraging the use of underutilized lands, by proposing an intensification of land uses that can exist in harmony with the surrounding land uses, and by creating opportunities for increased municipal taxes.

The proposed development provides the addition of one (1) 5-storey, 123 unit residential building, and the renovation of the existing two (2) commercial buildings adjacent to compatible land uses. The surrounding area consists of a diverse mix of uses; single family homes to the east, a high density condominium building to the north, commercial buildings to the south, and open space to the west. The proposed development is compatible, fits well in the surrounding neighbourhood and provides additional housing and increased density.

Located near schools, recreation areas, commercial buildings, and transit routes, the subject site provides an excellent opportunity for a mixed use development that will help provide students and Windsor residents with additional needed housing supply.

3.4.1 Location

With respect to setlement areas, the PPS recognizes that the vitality of these areas is critical to the long- term economic prosperity of communities. According to the PPS, setlement areas should be the focus of growth and development and that their regeneration shall be promoted (PPS,

The proposed development promotes growth and vitality within the setlement area. It promotes a dense land use patern which efficiently uses land and resources, supports active transportation, and is transit-supportive. The proposal provides for an opportunity for the intensification of lands and presents an appropriate location for intensification due to the availability of suitable, existing infrastructure and public service facilities to accommodate projected needs. The proposed development also allows for new development to take place in designated growth areas adjacent to the existing built-up area in a compact form, with an increase in density and variability of tenures that allow for the efficient use of land, infrastructure and public service facilities (PPS,, OP