(ADU) policies and regulations, the applicant could construct a new single unit dwelling with an ADU in the main building (as a basement suite, for example) and an ADU in an accessory building, achieving the same yield of 3 dwelling units on this parcel. Zoning regulations do not allow an ADU in a Duplex building, since this type of development falls under the Multiple Dwelling definition in the Zoning Bylaw. As reviewed above, the Residential Land Use designation permits selective residential redevelopment, infill and intensification and given the location of the site in proximity to two Main Streets, the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is consistent with the Official Plan.

The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is consistent with the City of Windsor Official Plan and Provincial Policy Statement, 2020.

The applicant’s provided Planning Rationale Report prepared by Pillon Abbs Inc. speaks to the project’s compliance with the Official Plan in Section 5.1.3 (page 26) of their report (see Appendix B).

Issues to be resolved:

If this application is approved, any of the requirements raised by municipal departments and agencies regarding servicing the new development will be resolved through the Site Plan Control or building permit process.

Risk Analysis:


Financial Matters :

Consultations :

Appendix C contains comments from departments and agencies. Furthermore, additional comments provided by Administrative Departments that pertain directly to the development of the site will be provided to the Site Plan or building permit process should this application be approved.

Public Notice:

The statutory notice was advertised in the Windsor Star Newspaper and all properties within 120m (400 feet) of the subject parcel received courtesy notice by mail prior to the Development and Heritage Standing Committee (DHSC) meeting.


In my professional opinion, the Zoning By-law Amendment as proposed in the recommendations of this report are consistent with the Policies of the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 and maintain conformity with the City of Windsor Official Plan.