2. For lands comprising Part Lot 73, Concession 1 (Roll No. 040-170-05400), Part 1 of 12R-28391 a multiple dwelling shall be an additional permitted use and the following additional provisions shall apply:

  1. A building without access to a paved street, municipal storm water outlet, municipal sanitary sewer, municipal electrical service, and municipal water service is permitted provided the required easement agreements are registered on the title of both the subject and abutting property to provide access and municipal services;

  2. Notwithstanding Section a maximum of 53 dwelling units shall have a minimum gross floor area of 31.0 m2;

  3. Building height – maximum – 19.0 m;

  4. Amenity area – per dwelling unit – minimum – 10.0 m2;

  5. Required parking – multiple dwelling – minimum – 1.0 space per dwelling unit;

  6. Required visitor parking spaces for a multiple dwelling – minimum - 0 spaces; and

  7. Notwithstanding Section 24.26.1 required parking spaces may be located on a lot that abuts the dwelling units they are intended to serve.

[ZDM 3; ZNG/6070]”; and