The OPA and ZBA will establish policy and regulatory framework for a residential apartment building. The requested OPA and ZBA will ensure residential policy is applied consistently across the property. The policy and regulatory framework will allow for alternative residential rental apartment units. Residential apartment units are an alternative residential accommodation needed in the city.

The requested OPA and ZBA will include residential apartment units replacing vacant commercial units. The City of Windsor has a low vacancy rate for apartment units.

The proposed OPA and ZBA will allow for the inclusion of 4 new apartment units and allow for the upgrading of the existing 4 units to create a total of 8 residential apartment units.

There is a need for alternative residential units as residential apartment units in the City. Rental apartment housing is a housing alternative to single, detached homes.

The subject building is located within a mixed use neighbourhood that is within walking distance to commercial uses and amenities. These units will meet the needs for rental apartment units within the City.

The units are located within blocks of the University of Windsor and St. Clair College and are appropriate housing for students being within a mixed use neighbourhood and on a direct bus route and bike trail. The subject property is interconnected with or public health and safety concerns; biking as bike lanes are available along University Ave.

c) avoiding development and land use patterns which may cause environmental or public health and safety concerns:


The subject building has existed for over 80 years at this location. There are no negative environmental, public health, or safety concerns with the requested OPA and ZBA to allow for the inclusion of an additional 4 apartment units in the existing subject building to maintain the low profile, small scale residential building.