
Location:                 333 McEwan Avenue
                              (west side of McEwan Avenue, south of University Avenue West)

Ward:                     2 

Planning District:     Riverwest

Zoning District Map: 3

Applicant:                Philip Robins 


An application has been received for a Zoning By-law Amendment on the lands located at 333 McEwan Avenue, legally described as Part of Lot 7, Plan 312 (site plan attached as Appendix A). The site area is 0.032 ha with 10.16 m of frontage on McEwan Avenue. The site is located within the “Residential” Land Use Designation within the City of Windsor Official Plan and is zoned Residential District 1.3 (RD1.3).

The applicant requests a Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a residential use building, proposing to convert the existing duplex into a 3 unit apartment building (“tri-plex”) with associated parking as shown on Appendix A. Specifically, the applicant requests the following amendments to permit the proposed residential use building:

Zoning By-law Amendment: The subject properties are located within “Residential District 1.3” (RD1.3) zone within Zoning By-law 8600, as amended. The applicant is requesting that Zoning By-law 8600 be amended to a site specific “Residential District 2.2 (RD2.2)” with special provisions for minimum Lot Width of 10 m and minimum Lot Area of 315 m2 to match the existing parcel. Minimum Front Yard Depth of 5.0 m and a minimum Side Yard Width of 0.7 m allows the re-use of the existing building.