The subject site is east of a Regional Institutional Centre (University of Windsor) which is classified as a Major Activity Centre in Chapter 3 of the Official Plan (policy

Major Activity Centres are second in the hierarchy of nodes in Windsor. These types of nodes are considered to be sub-regional in the context of Windsor and were originally planned as single-use facilities that have evolved into multi-use urban areas with a variety of densities.

Allowing residential intensification in proximity to a Growth Centre and a Major Activity Centre supports the vibrancy of these nodes.

Corridors: the subject site is located between both Wyandotte Street and University Avenue which are both identified as Main Streets in Schedule G: Civic Image, and Wyandotte Street is a Neighbourhood Corridor in Schedule J: Urban Structure Plan.

Corridor policies (policy 3.3.2 and policy denotes:

The purpose and function of neighbourhood corridors is to link street sections to neighbourhood nodes or as standalone sections of community retail and services. These corridors provide for the day-to-day needs of the immediate neighbourhood that surrounds them. While employment is not the major focus, these corridors create a sense of community by providing places for residents to walk such as local retail businesses and services. Local services may also include pharmacies, convenience stores and retail to serve the day-to-day needs of residents.

Neighbourhood policies (policy 3.3.3) denotes that these area are the most basic component on Windsor’s urban structure, facilitating a range of “low-to-medium density residential” built forms, including “some medium-density intensification.”

The Residential policies (policy and stipulates location and evaluation criteria for Residential development. The proposed development meets the locational criteria which includes access to a collector road, full services, adequate open spaces and community services, and public transportation service.

The subject property is not adjacent to any identified development constraints, a site of known contamination, and traffic generation and distribution is not a provincial or municipal concern. The proposed development is adjacent to residential uses which is considered a sensitive land use, however there is no change in Land Use.

The land use policies associated with the Residential Land Use designation support a complementary range of housing forms and tenures in all neighbourhoods, promote compact neighbourhoods which encourage a balanced transportation system, promote selective residential redevelopment, infill and intensification initiatives. The proposed development is a compatible residential housing type that will contribute to the diversity of housing forms in the neighbourhood.

The Built Form policies in Chapter 8 of the Official Plan (policy speaks to items that address compatibility of infill in established neighbourhoods. The proposed three unit multiple dwelling building is of comparable height and massing of other properties in the neighbourhood. The use of the existing lot fabric and building spacing supports the compatibility of the design with the low-rise character of the existing streetscape.