Development & Heritage Standing Committee
13 October, 2020

THAT the Minutes of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting (Planning Act Matters) meeting held September 21, 2020 BE ADOPTED as presented.


Report Number: SCM 288/2020

Clerk’s File: MB2020


See Items 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4.


7.1 Z-010/20 [ZNG/6072] – 2356976 Ontario Inc N/E Corner of Hawthorne Dr & Enterprise Way – Rezoning

Justina Nwaesei (author), Planner III – SubDivisions

Ms. Nwaesei gives a PowerPoint presentation of the report.

Ms. Tracey Pillon-Abbs (Planner), Mr. Vijay Vasantgadkar (Architect) and Dr. Bhan Garg (Owner) are available are in agreement with the recommendations and are available for questions.

Member Gyemi inquires about the landscaping at the centre of the property. Whether it’s there to maintain the trees that currently exist? Ms. Pillon-Abbs starts by explaining due to the set-up of the design, they didn’t want to have the parking lot as the central focus. The landscaping provides a type of buffer.

Member Rondot inquires as to whether there is a reason the applicant is going 32 spaces over the required number of parking spots? Ms. Pillon-Abbs responds advising that, although rare, they area provided additional space to be able to take advantage of and provide the extra space for visitor parking.

Councillor Holt to Ms. Pillon-Abbs, inquires whether the applicant would be amenable if the Committee requested to limit the number of additional spaces to the development so not to overpave the site? Ms. Pillon-Abbs responds advising the development is subject to Site Plan Control at which time that will be addressed. The applicant will be asking for a land use change at this time as part of the Zoning By-law Amendment. But will consider limiting spaces at the time of Site Plan Control. Ms. Pillon-Abbs then passes to Dr. Garg for further comment, if he desired. Dr. Garg advises he isn’t opposed to limiting the additional parking spaces and replacing with landscaping, if that is what the City wishes.