City of Windsor – Transport Terminal Land Use Study – 2020 November 16

PART 3 – Planning Framework

Provincial Policy Statement

The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), issued under Section 3 of the Planning Act, is a consolidated statement of the government's policies on land use planning. It applies province-wide and provides provincial policy direction on key land use planning issues that affect communities. All decisions affecting land use planning matters “shall be consistent with” the PPS. The PPS identifies the movement of goods and land use compatibility as important matters of provincial interest. Several policies are applicable to the location and design of Transport Terminals.

Provincial Policy Statement Definitions

Employment area: means those areas designated in an official plan for clusters of business and economic activities including, but not limited to, manufacturing, warehousing, offices, and associated retail and ancillary facilities.

Freight-supportive: in regard to land use patterns, means transportation systems and facilities that facilitate the movement of goods. This includes policies or programs intended to support efficient freight movement through the planning, design and operation of land use and transportation systems. Approaches may be recommended in guidelines developed by the Province or based on municipal approaches that achieve the same objectives.

Infrastructure: means physical structures (facilities and corridors) that form the foundation for development. Infrastructure includes: sewage and water systems, septage treatment systems, stormwater management systems, waste management systems, electricity generation facilities, electricity transmission and distribution systems, communications/telecommunications, transit and transportation corridors and facilities, oil and gas pipelines and associated facilities.

Major facilities: means facilities which may require separation from sensitive land uses, including but not limited to airports, manufacturing uses, transportation infrastructure and corridors, rail facilities, marine facilities, sewage treatment facilities, waste management systems, oil and gas pipelines, industries, energy generation facilities and transmission systems, and resource extraction activities.

Major goods movement facilities and corridors: means transportation facilities and corridors associated with the inter- and intra-provincial movement of goods. Examples include: inter-modal facilities, ports, airports, rail facilities, truck terminals, freight corridors, freight facilities, and haul routes and primary transportation corridors used for the movement of goods. Approaches that are freight-supportive may be recommended in guidelines developed by the Province or based on municipal approaches that achieve the same objectives.