October 13, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Item 7.2
Response to Mr. Trebbne from Transportation Planning

From: Hagan, Jeff < jhagan@citywindsor.ca>

Sent: Friday, October 9, 2020 2:50 PM

To: trebbne 

Cc: 'Steve Berrill' < sberrill@ada-architect.ca>; Toldo, Beth <toldob@citywindsor.ca>; Szymczak, Adam < aszymczak@citywindsor.ca>; Toufeili, Rania <RToufeili@citywindsor.ca>; Paramo, Juan < jparamo@citywindsor.ca>

Subject: Re: Oct 13, 2020 Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting - Item 7.2 

Mr. Trebbne,

Your email was forwarded to me by Adam Szymczak.

The proposed development at 8474 Wyandotte Street East is not large enough to warrant a traffic impact study, so a traffic study for this development specifically was not requested. When planning for City roadway projects, we account for a degree of traffic growth caused by new developments. This development is in keeping with these growth estimates.

In response to your concerns about collisions, I reviewed the 5-year collision history for this section of Wyandotte Street East; the collision rate in this section is lower than the City-wide average for streets of this classification (class 2 arterial roads). We will continue to monitor collisions in this area through our normal City-wide road safety review process, but we have not identified any road safety issues on this section of Wyandotte Street East that the developer would need to address as part of their development.

If you need anything further, please let me know.



Transportation Planning

350 City Hall Square | Suite 210 | Windsor, ON | N9A 7K6
(519)-255-6267 ext. 6003