d .c. mccloskey engineering ltd.

Corporation of the City of Windsor                                                       19 August 2020 
Planning Department                                                                          Protect No. M19-216
400 City Hall Sq. E.
Windsor. ON NSA 7K6 

Attention: Mr. Adam Szymczak, MCIP, RPP. Senior Planner 

Truck Terminal
4325-4445 County Road 42 , Windsor, ON

Dear Sir:

As the Agent of the Property Owner, I am requesting an exemption from Law 78-2019 for the purpose of submitting an application for site plan Terminal be permitted property Terminal be permitted on the property

As requested by your office. I am providing Information on this property that will demonstrate this property is ideal for truck terminal use. These items are: 

  1. The 19.3 arse property currently has several Industrial buildings on-site, any of which can be renovated to accommodate any size of warehouse required for the truck terminal USE,.

  2. The property is located in an industrial area.

  3. The property currently has zoning permitting truck terminal use.

  4. Property located on County Road 42 with access to Highway 401 via County Road 19 to the east and to Highway 401 and the Ambassador Bridge via Walker Road / Provincial Road for westbound traffic. 

We trust the above is satisfactory, however, please contact us if you require anything further.


Mark E. McCloskey, P. Eng.

Attachments: Overall & Enlarged Site Plan
CC: Eduardo Conte