POR2 41.1 40.9 60 (Day) & 50 (Night) Yes
POR3 39.6 39.5 60 (Day) & 50 (Night) Yes
3 POR1 36.9 36.4 60 (Day) & 50 (Night) Yes
POR2 34.7 34.0 60 (Day) & 50 (Night) Yes
POR3 47.0 47.0 60 (Day) & 50 (Night) Yes

Results Summary

Table 4 summarizes the performance limits at the property lines for all parking locations within the proposed development. From this, the development meets all the sound level requirements at its property lines for the identified model inputs and assumptions.


As the noise impact at the nearest property lines for the proposed development has been shown to be within the City of Windsor performance standards requirements, it is recommended that the development be given approval with the understanding that a 1.65 metre berm or noise barrier fence must be constructed, centred 6.1 meters from the west property line. Further, the edge of the west parking area must be a minimum of 12.2 metres from the west property line.