Appendix E - Official Plan Sections


3.2.4 Responsive, Effective Local Government



3.3 Urban Structure Plan

The Urban Structure Plan identifies the key structural elements within the municipality. These key structural elements and the linkages between these elements establish the strategic framework within which more detailed land use designations can be established.

3.3.1 Nodes

Nodes in this context are existing or future locations of concentrated activity on the Urban Structure Plan that serve the societal, environmental and economic needs at a neighbourhood and/or regional scale. The most successful nodes are the ones that exhibit a wide variety of land uses, including higher density residential and employment uses, and have access to frequent public transit service. Smaller scale community and neighbourhood nodes play an important role in providing services to the surrounding neighbourhoods, providing a range of housing opportunities and, providing a recognized sense of place for these neighbourhoods.


  1. To serve as focal areas for investment in institutional and region-wide public services, as well as commercial, recreational, cultural and entertainment uses;
  2. To accommodate and support major transit infrastructure;

  3. To serve as high density major employment centres;

  4. To accommodate a significant share of households and employment growth; and,