Our practice is currently located at 110 Tecumseh Road East where we lease a 1,200 square feet office. This proposed development is a significant expansion for us, but one that we can accomplish if able to access these financial incentives offered through the CIP.

Through the City of Windsor’s CIP, the financial incentives offered to encourage new investment in targeted economic sectors are exactly what we would need to undertake this business expansion. We believe our proposed expansion and investment would not only enable us to create 5-10 jobs directly through the expansion of Kadri Law, but indirectly the businesses we are able to attract to the city of Windsor will also help diversify the local economy and create even further jobs for our local residents. Our ability to attract these entrepreneurs and investors to our city would be greatly enhanced by this proposed new investment in a facility that will be home to Kadri Law’s Startup Central. Our firm will offer a full range of business incubator services and entrepreneurship training, including workshops & mentorship programs.

The proposed new facility at 1567 Ouellette Ave meets CIP eligibility with respect to the established definition of ‘Business Incubator’. Further, it will allow Kadri Law to achieve the following critical objectives:

  1. Optimize our current workload with the goal of expanding operations to create local wealth & jobs;

  2. Recalibrate and expand operations in a new facility that will allow us to hire more employees;

  3. Capitalize on the current global circumstances and promote Windsor's entrepreneurial climate in order to attract and retain entrepreneurs;

  4. Resume our pre-COVID growth plans to increase investments to create a full business incubator ecosystem for entrepreneurs but with post COVID focus;

  5. Provide increased opportunities for women and minority entrepreneurs;

  6. Recruit entrepreneurs to our city that will create direct and indirect job growth;

  7. Innovate and contribute to our city’s revitalization and economic diversification post COVID19;

Our proposed new facility at 1567 Ouellette Ave. will promote a collaborative hands-on-approach to business incubation by providing access to an established network of leading professionals who will guide young entrepreneurs through the various stages of establishing and managing a successful business, while helping them achieve all of their Canadian Immigration objectives.

The proposed floor plan at 1567 Ouellette Ave is approx. 5,000 square feet. This is a 316%