The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment maintains conformity with the Official Plan and, based on the analysis provided in this report in response to the respective policies in the land use designation chapters, the Zoning By-law Amendment meets the criteria set out above in section of the Official Plan.

Zoning By-law

The subject property is located within “Residential District 1.3” (RD1.3) zone (see Appendix D and F) within Zoning By-law 8600, as amended. The applicant is requesting that Zoning By-law 8600 be amended to a site specific “Residential District 2.2 (RD2.2)” with site specific special provisions. This is consistent with the conceptual site plan shown by the applicant in Appendix A.

The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment would permit a similar level of residential density to what the currently residential zoning permits, in a different built form. In accordance with Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU) policies and regulations, the applicant could construct a new single unit dwelling with an ADU in the main building (as a basement suite, for example) and an ADU in an accessory building, achieving 3 units on this parcel. As reviewed above, the Residential Land Use designation permits selective residential redevelopment, infill and intensification and given the location of the site in proximity to a Main Street, the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is consistent with the Official Plan.

The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is consistent with the City of Windsor Official Plan and Provincial Policy Statement, 2020.

Issues to be resolved:

If this application is approved, any of the requirements raised by municipal departments and agencies regarding servicing the new development will be resolved through the Site Plan Control or building permit process.

Risk Analysis:


Financial Matters :