a) maintain at all times the ability to accommodate residential growth for a minimum of 15 years through residential intensification and redevelopment and, if necessary, lands which are designated and available for residential development;

1.4.3 Planning authorities shall provide for an appropriate range and mix of hou sing options and densities to meet projected market-based and affordable housing needs of current and future residents of the regional market area by:

This amendment promotes infill development on a site that has been historically vacant in a developed area. 182 new dwelling units are proposed on the subject land, which is a higher density than currently exists, and results in a net increase in residential units or accommodation; therefore, we are dealing with a residential intensification of the subject site and area. The amendment will facilitate the municipality’s ability to accommodate residential growth through intensification and will provide a form of housing that is appropriate in terms of range and mix, and will meet the social, health and well being of current and future residents. Appropriate level of infrastructure, active transportation and transit services are available or will be available in the subject area. This amendment is consistent with policy 1.4 of the PPS. Municipal sewage services and municipal water services are the preferred form of servicing for settlement areas to support protection of the environment and minimize potential risks to human health and safety. Within settlement areas with existing municipal sewage services and municipal water services , intensification and redevelopment shall be promoted wherever feasible to optimize the use of the services.

The subject lands are within an area that is serviced by municipal sewage services and municipal water services. The requested zoning by-law amendment is consistent with policy of the PPS. Planning for stormwater management shall: f) promote stormwater management b est practices, including stormwater attenuation and re -use, water conservation and efficiency, and low impact development.

This amendment includes requirement for completion of stormwater management report at the time of Site Plan Approval. We note that the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) has concerns regarding the potential impact of the quality and quantity of runoff in the downstream watercourse due to the proposed development on the subject lands. We also note that Recommendation III (b) of this report addresses ERCA’s recommendation regarding stormwater quality and stormwater quantity for the subject lands. This amendment is consistent with policy (f) of the PPS.

1.7.1 Long-term economicprosperityshould be supported by: b) encouraging residential uses to respond to dynamic market-based needs and provide necessary housing supply and range of housing options for a diverse workforce; c) optimizing the long-term availability and use of land, resources, infrastructure and pub lic service facilities

Windsor has experienced historically low residential vacancy rate, according to CMHC data. This amendment encourages residential intensification by providing additional housing supply, which is an appropriate response to the market-based housing needs in the City of Windsor. The proposed development of three 5-storey multiple dwellings optimizes the availability and use of land and infrastructure by making use of a vacant parcel of land. The amendment is consistent with policy 1.7.1 of the PPS.