Noise Assessment Report, dated Dec. 19, 2019 and revised September 21, 2020, was prepared by Akoustik Engineering Limited. The report is an acoustic assessment for the proposed residential apartment development to be located at Hawthorne Drive and Enterprise Way.
The report identified several potential sources of stationary noise located to the south and southwest of the subject lands and concludes that the identified industrial lands do not have an adverse impact on the proposed development. The report states that “the proposed development is classified as a Class 2 area, given that the region exhibits features of both a Class 1 and Class 3 area, based on the environmental noise characteristics”.
The report assesses the environmental noise impacts from nearby road traffic and summarizes the required warning clauses and building requirements in Table 3 below. The report concludes that “given the predicted noise levels, the calculation of the minimum sound transmission class (STC) for the window and building wall components is not necessary for this development”.
The report requires that any necessary warning clauses be implemented in all development agreements, offers to Purchase, and agreements of Purchase or Sale or Lease. The report also shows that the noise impact on the proposed development is within the guideline limits set by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, and recommends that the development be given approval with the understanding that the stated warning clauses be included for the required lots.