3.16 BERM, shall mean an earthen work or mound of earth of a specified height and width, and exhibiting sloping, landscaped sides, which is intended to act as a barrier or buffer strip. The height of a berm shall be the vertical distance in metres between the base and the highest point of the berm. The slope of the slides of the berm shall be stable and not prone to shifting and will be dependent upon the required height of the berm and shall in no case be greater than 45 degrees (2:1) to the horizontal.

3.18 BUFFER STRIP, shall mean an area used for no other purpose than for the erection of a solid fence, earth berm or the planting and maintaining of a continuous row of natural evergreen trees or a continuous unpierced hedgerow of natural shrubs, not less than two (2.0) metres (6.56’) height, which will provide a year round visual barrier, and the remainder of which is used for landscaping and the planting of ornamental shrubs, flowering shrubs, flowerbeds, or a combination thereof. Any fence shall be decorative in nature and be designed and constructed to resist wind damage (e.g. alternating slats).

3.19 BUILDING, shall include any structure whether temporary or permanent, used or intended for sheltering any use or occupancy but shall not include a fence, trailer, camping trailer, truck camper, motor home, or tent.

3.20 BUILDING, MAIN or MAIN STRUCTURE, shall mean the building or structure designed for or in which is conducted the principal use of the lot on which it is situated. For clarity a dwelling accessory to an agricultural use is not a “main building” for the purpose of this By-law.

3.48 FLOOR AREA, shall mean the sum of the areas of all of the floors of a building or structure measured from the outside of all outside walls or from the centerline of common or party walls, exclusive of any attached accessory building, terrace, veranda, unfinished attic, basement, cellar, open or enclosed porch or sunroom, unless such sunroom or enclosed porch is an integral part of the building and habitable in all seasons, and excluding any floor area with a ceiling height of less than two (2.0) metres (6.5’).

3.63 INDUSTRIAL USE, shall mean the use of any land, building or structure for the purpose of manufacturing, processing, assembling, making, preparing, inspecting, ornamenting, finishing, treating, altering, repairing, warehousing, storing, packaging or adapting for sale any goods, substance, article or thing, or any part thereof, and the storage of building and construction equipment and materials, as distinguished from the buying and selling of commodities and the supplying of personal services.

3.68 LANDSCAPING, shall mean any combination of trees, shrubs, flowers, grass or other horticultural elements, together with decorative stonework, paving, screening or other architectural elements, all of which is designed to enhance the visual amenity of a property.

3.70 LOADING SPACE, shall mean a space or bay located on a lot which is used or intended to be used for the temporary parking of any commercial, industrial or institutional vehicle while loading or unloading persons, animals, goods, merchandise or materials used in connection with the main use of the lot or any building thereon, and which has unobstructed access to a street or lane.

3.72 LOT, shall mean a parcel or tract of land which,

a) is the whole of a lot on a registered plan of subdivision, so long as such registered plan is not deemed, pursuant to Section 49 of The Planning Act, S.O. 1983, not to be a registered plan of subdivision, or