
Provincial Policy Statement, 2020

The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides direction on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development and sets the policy foundation for regulating the development and use of land in Ontario.

Policy 1.1.1 of the PPS states:

“Healthy, liveable and safe communities are sustained by:

The proposed multiple dwelling represents an efficient development and land use pattern that will have no adverse impact on the financial well-being of the City of Windsor, land consumption, and servicing costs, accommodates an appropriate range of residential uses, an optimizes investments in transit. The requested zoning amendment is consistent with Policy 1.1.1 of the PPS.

Policy of the PPS states:

“Settlement areas shall be the focus of growth and development.”

Policy of the PPS states:

“Land use patterns within settlement areas shall be based on densities and a mix of land uses which:

The subject parcel is located within the settlement area. The proposed multiple dwelling will make efficient use of land and existing infrastructure. Active transportation options and transit services are or will be located adjacent or near the parcel. The zoning amendment is consistent with PPS Policies and

The proposed amendment to Zoning By-law 8600 is consistent with the PPS.