Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA): Has concerns with the potential impact of the quality and quantity of runoff in the downstream watercourse due to the future proposed development on this site. ERCA recommends that stormwater quality and storm water quantity will need to be addressed up to and including the 1:100 year storm event and be in accordance with the guidance provided by the Stormwater Management Planning and Guidance Manual, prepared by the Ministry of Environment (MOE, March 2003) and the “Windsor-Essex Region Stormwater Management Standards Manual”. ERCA further recommends that the stormwater management analysis be completed to the satisfaction of the Municipality.

Landscape Architect: There is a remnant hedgerow of trees and scrub undergrowth running north-south through the middle of the site. A tree survey identifying species, location, and condition of all trees on the subject lands, is required. The tree survey will be used at the time of Site Plan review to calculate urban forest canopy loss and compensation.

There is a requirement for cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication as per By-law 12780, and the Planning Act, and Bill108.

Transportation Planning: Overall, the Traffic Impact Study (TIS) report establishes that the traffic impacts of the proposed development can be accommodated by the existing surrounding road network without off-site improvements.

Transit Windsor: Our new Council approved Transit Master Plan does propose to have a new local route providing direct service to this property with service on both Enterprise Way and Hawthorne here.


The City will advertise the official notice in the Windsor Star Newspaper as mandated by the Planning Act.

The City will also mail courtesy notice to all properties within 120m (400 feet) of the subject parcel, prior to the Development & Heritage Standing Committee (DHSC) meeting.

Planner’s Opinion and Conclusion:

The applicant`s request to amend zoning by-law 8600 by changing the zoning of the subject land from MD1.2 to RD3.2 in order to facilitate an infill development containing three 5-storey multiple dwellings and 267 parking spaces, has been evaluated for consistency with the PPS and conformity with the OP.

After reviewing the required supporting studies submitted for this application, comments received from municipal department and external agencies, the relevant policies of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) 2020 and the Official Plan, it is my opinion that this zoning by-law amendment is consistent with the PPS 2020 and maintains conformity with the Official Plan. This amendment is good planning.

In my opinion, a decision to approve this zoning by-law amendment, as recommended, is consistent with the PPS 2020.

The recommendation is for approval of the applicant’s request as stipulated in the Recommendation section of this report.