Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, September 21, 2020

Decision Number: DHSC 196


  1. THAT Schedule D: Land Use of the City of Windsor Official Plan, Volume I BE AMENDED by designating the property described as Lots 21 & 22, Part Lots 20, 23 & 24 Plan 980; Part Closed Alley; Part Lot 127 Concession 1 Sandwich East, now designated as Parts 1, 7 and 8 on Reference Plan 12R24215, located on the south side of Edgar Street, west of Lauzon Road (shown as the subject lands on Appendix D to Report S90/2020) as Residential.

  2. THAT Zoning By-law 8600 BE AMENDED by changing the zoning of Lots 21 & 22, Part Lots 20, 23 & 24 Plan 980; Part Closed Alley; Part Lot 127 Concession 1 Sandwich East, now designated as Parts 1, 7 and 8 on Reference Plan 12R24215, located on the south side of Edgar Street, west of Lauzon Road (shown as the subject lands on Appendix D to Report S90/2020), from CD2.1 to RD 3.1 and by adding a site specific provision to Section 20(1) as follows:


For the lands comprising Lots 21 & 22, Part Lots 20, 23 & 24 Plan 980; Part Closed Alley; Part Lot 127 Concession 1 Sandwich East, now designated as Parts 1, 7 and 8 on Reference Plan 12R24215, the following additional provisions shall also apply:

  1. Building Setback - minimum - 3.0 m from the northerly lot line;
  2. Building Height – maximum – 16 m
  3. Landscaped Open Space Yard – minimum – 29% of lot area;
  4. Screening fence minimum 1.8 metres in height and landscaping shall be installed along the westerly lot line.
    [ZDM 14; ZNG/6081]” 
3. THAT the following items BE REFERRED to the Site Plan Review Committee, for inclusion in a Site Plan Control Agreement:
  1. Mitigation measures as identified in noise report by JJ Acoustic Engineering Ltd. dated April 9th 2020.

  2. A gratuitous land conveyance for a 6.1m x 6.1m corner cut-off at the intersection of Lauzon Road and Edgar Street.

  3. The owner is to provide a minimum total of thirty (30) 70mm caliper trees on the site as a condition of Site Plan Approval. If the owner's landscape plan cannot support the minimum requirement of trees, then any deficiency to that requirement is to be compensated with Cash-in-lieu to the Parks Department (for trees to be planted elsewhere in the city) at a rate of $450 per tree that is not able to be planted on the site.


Report Number: S 90/2020

Clerk’s File: ZO/13912