Additional mitigation measures may be required to allow a Transport Terminal development on the lot. This is an issue that the study will examine. However, the agent did engage an acoustical consultant, Akoustic Engineering Limited, to conduct an acoustical assessment (Appendix D) of the proposed Transport Terminal development on the parcel in terms of the performance standards in the Industrial Zone (M1) in Section 14.1.15 b) of Zoning By-law 85-18.

The consultant states “the development meets all the sound level requirements at its property lines”. Notwithstanding that the proposal meets the performance standards in Zoning By-law 85-18, the consultant recommends that:

“the development be given approval with the understanding that a 1.65 metre berm or noise barrier fence must be constructed, centred 6.1 meters from the west property line. Further, the edge of the west parking area must be a minimum of 12.2 metres from the west property line.”

The draft site plan is consistent with the acoustical consultant’s recommendations.

Further to those recommendations, the draft site plan has a setback of 11.3 m from the south lot line adjacent to Baseline Road, which complies with the Transport Terminal provisions in Section 5.49 of Zoning By-law 85-18. The acoustical consultant further notes that for the trailer storage area closest to Baseline Road, the trailers “will act a barrier for the noise at the south property line”.

The draft site plan incorporates several mitigation measures including large setbacks, screening, and a berm, and is consistent with the conclusion of the acoustical assessment report and with the provisions of Zoning By-law 85-18.

Risk Analysis:


Financial Matters:


Jason Campigotto, Site Plan Approval Officer

Wira Vendrasco, Deputy City Solicitor

Rob Vani, Manager of Inspections (BBO) / Deputy Chief Building Official