
This report is a noise assessment for the proposed transportation terminal development to be located along Baseline Road West of County Road 8, in the City of Windsor. The assessment pertains to the environmental noise impacts from truck noise at the property lines. An illustration of the geographical area with the proposed development area identified, as well as the proposed development layout is given in Appendix A: Site Location. The expected noise impacts have been evaluated for compliance to section 14.1.15 Performance Standards of the M1 Zoning District requirements. It should be noted that this assessment has not been performed for compliance to the noise levels and conditions identified in the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) Noise Pollution Control documents, including NPC-300.

Identification of Noise Sources

The proposed development is surrounded by residential housing to the west and south of the property and commercial development to the north and east. Baseline Road is located to the south and County Road 8 is located to the east of the property. The performance standard used for this assessment is section 14.1.15

Performance Standards of the M1 zoning district. The criteria states “No noise shall exceed 60 dBA during the day or 50 dBA at night at the boundaries of the lot provided that short intermittent noise peaks are permitted”. A zoning map of the area is given in Appendix B: Land-use Zoning Map of Area. All assumptions used in this report for the development of the noise model are itemized in Appendix C.

City of Windsor Noise Criteria – 14.1.15 Performance Standards

In accordance to the Performance Standards of the M1 zoning district, the following sound level limits have been set for evaluation at all the property boundaries shown in Table 1. The proposed development is classified as a Class 2 area, given that the region exhibits features of both a Class 1 and a Class 3 area, based on the environmental noise characteristics.

Table 1: Ministry of the Environment Noise Criteria for Roadway Noise  

Location Daytime Leq [dBA] Nighttime Leq [dBA]
Property boundary 60 50

From Table 1, daytime refers to the period from 07:00 to 23:00 and nighttime refers to the period from 23:00 to 07:00 hours.

The limits presented in Table 1 are the limits before noise control measures or out mitigation measures are required.