Kadri Law has been ahead of the curve on this issue and recent articles have captured our attempt to catapult Canada as a premier destination for business and entrepreneurs. In fact, we have leveraged our reputation within the global business community as a industry leading Canadian Immigration and Business Law Firm in order to advance innovative immigration visa solutions to address the uncertainty caused by COVID19 and President Trump’s US Visa restrictions. We are laser focused on devising innovative cross border strategies that take full advantage of Canadian law. Kadri Law has been featured in prominent tech publications such as Yahoo Finance, Nearshore America, India Times, etc. [See Appendix A]


We firmly believe that both the City of Windsor and Kadri Law will benefit by having this proposed new facility, as the same is a critical step forward to implement our Business Model as summarized herein. Further, we have demonstrated eligibility with respect to the definition of ‘Business Incubator’ within the CIP. In order for Kadri Law to prosper in the new post COVID19 economy, our refocusing on Entrepreneurs, together with a coordinated effort to attract them to the city Windsor will match or exceed our competitors in large metropolitans like Toronto and Vancouver. The CIP incentives will help Kadri Law invest in the city to help achieve continued growth and increased revenues during an unprecedented expansion of our business that will create jobs and economic diversification in Windsor.

The Economic Revitalization Plan CIP incentives will play a significant role in our decision to undertake this investment. If approved, the grant program would allow Kadri Law to bring our vision of creating a dynamic and unique Business Incubator Ecosystem for Entrepreneurs right here in Windsor. In doing so, we can help create more jobs and wealth for our local residents. The relief offered through CIP will provide Kadri Law with the ability to help offset part of the substantial cost of new construction and focus on helping build a stronger local economy, one that is more diverse and strengthened by the drive and dedication of young entrepreneurs.


Eddie H. Kadri Kadri Law